I'm Employed Again!!!
As most of you know, we decided to move to Colorado Springs, Colorado (where my family lives). Chris is working on starting his own business, and I have been looking for jobs to support us while he gets that going. Well, as of today, the search is OVER!!! I am going to be working for a company called "Government Leasing Company." They work for the government to lease them office equipment and other things they need, taking care of the paperwork, and helping everything to go smoothly. I originally went to interview for another position, but they really liked me and decided that they would rather have me working in their marketing department doing some sales, and customer service kinds of things, etc. I am a "Marketing Representative" and there is a lot of room for growth in their marketing department, and they already started off paying me way more than I have ever made at any job since I graduated!!! It is a small company and the way they work, it is a real family-type of workplace. They have been in business for 25 years, and have a lot of big name clients from within the government. Everyone there is so nice, and I am so excited to be one of them! I start on Monday and I am so excited to learn more about what I will be doing.
Now that I have found a job, we will probably start looking for a house sometime soon. We have been living out of suitcases since October, with most of our stuff in a storage unit back in Kansas City, so it will be SO NICE to have our things with us again! We will keep you posted on how that goes, and we will email our new address as soon as we have one!
Hope everyone is doing well, and talk to you later!!!